Women’s Monthly Circle Series: with Connie Viglietti | In-Person

This series is for any identifying woman looking to connect with herself in new ways.

Friday Jan 19 | 6:30-8:30pm

Setting intentions is a great way to connect with our desires and what we want to bring attention to moving forward.

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start (or reconnect) with the practice of reflecting on our values.

Join Connie in a discussion on why resolutions don’t always stick, how intentions inspire our goals and how to create a powerful intention! Together we can lean into connection and community and start the year intentionally.

We recommend bringing a journal or a notebook; stay tuned for an email the night before the circle with instructions on what else to bring to our gathering.

About Women’s Circles:

When women come together with a common dream, we usher in change. And so, the healing starts with us. And while the healing begins with us, we show up whole- there is nothing wrong with us, and nothing to be fixed. And so, the invitation becomes one of remembrance.

The time has come to remember, woman, who you truly are, every facet of your whole being. When you remember who you are- you call forth courage, power, and passion, thus becoming unstoppable. When you remember who you are, you unleash your own unique magic and gifts for the world to revel in.

Connie created Sacred Circles to bring women together in a safe space to explore these ideas that guide us all back to our best selves. When we share our hearts in order to connect and grow- as people, as women, and as a community- we begin to remember our truth. And our truths must not be contained but shared!

Investment: $35

  • Setting intentions is a great way to connect with our desires and what we want to bring attention to moving forward.

    The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start (or reconnect) with the practice of reflecting on our values.

    Join Connie in a discussion on why resolutions don’t always stick, how intentions inspire our goals and how to create a powerful intention! Together we can lean into connection and community and start the year intentionally.

  • Here comes the countdown to 2024

    Let's come together to celebrate the ups and downs, the wins, and the growth of 2023. Come dressed in something fun and sparkly or glittery (a scarf, nail polish, socks, anything will do)!

    A women's circle celebration indeed!

  • 'Tis the season of being thankful! Have you ever truly experienced a gratitude practice? Making time to meditate or pray connects us with peace and love. The same thing can happen with gratitude. It's all about making time to slow down and witness the present moment. Gratitude has a way of pulling us in helping us to see what is important. We soften and let in love. Won’t you join us this month and cultivate gratitude in sisterhood?

  • Autumn is here, with a back-to-school energy that exists long after our schooling years. We shift our mindset in preparation for new goals, maybe even a new practice. The curiosity that makes learning so exciting remains and deserves some attention. Join Connie on September 8th to explore what curiosity is bubbling up inside of you and why it's the best time to explore your path to a fabulous fall!

  • What is the dark moon? How does it affect us and why would I use it to tune into my needs? Join Connie Viglietti and learn all about the dark moon and tips to use the energy to your advantage! Spoiler alert: you have a dark phase of your cycle too. ;)

    Gathering in sisterhood to reflect upon the moon as inspiration to lean into our own phases is a healing practice. Women have gathered together since the beginning and bringing this practice back to our modern-day lives is a gift that can nourish us!


    The heat of the summertime sun brings an invitation to celebrate our joy, our light, our bodies, and our relationships. It’s time to revel in what makes us happy, our passions.

    As the solstice approaches, it is time to connect with what lights us up and seek our joy! Join Connie in this month’s circle to celebrate our inner spark, highlight our gifts and ring in summer together! We’ll share what’s coming up for each of us, practice sacred embodiment rituals, and walk away inspired to create an active, intentional summer!

  • Theme: RITUAL - When we focus our attention on what we want to celebrate and honor, we learn who we are and what we want. In turn, we nurture our talents, innate wisdom and power to navigate life. Join Connie to leave feeling connected and empowered to create simple rituals that will uplift and inspire our lives.

  • The spring equinox is a time of rebirth and balance. Let’s mirror mama earth’s cue and look inside at what we’ve held dormant throughout the winter. What is ready to awaken within you?  We’ll gather to nurture the seeds in each of us, ready to receive light and bloom into being. Now is a time to rebalance and recalibrate in support of our dreams and desires.

    Not sure what to expect during our meeting? Be ready to circle up with other identifying women to discuss how you strive to grow. With Connie’s guidance, we will honor your intentions through rituals designed to connect you to yourself, this moment, and each other.  Be prepared to walk away with a rejuvenated spirit and an empowered being; fresh and connected to living life fully this spring season!

  • Leading with Love: Awakening Anahata

    The heart chakra lies at the center of all of our chakras - uniting the lower three and opening pathways to the upper three. Learn what it means to cleanse the energy of our heart space and empower ourselves to lead with love, forgiveness, trust and commitment. We will examine what power means to us collectively and individually. Leading from the heart space allows our whole selves to step forward.

  • Intention Setting Workshop

    Setting intentions is a great way to connect with our desires and what we want to bring attention to moving forward. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start (or reconnect) with the practice of reflecting on our values. Cultivating time for reflection helps us address questions like: Why are new year’s resolutions tough to stick to? Is living with intention important to me? How do I get started when it comes to choosing an intention?

    Join Connie at Yoga Mechanics to kick off 2023 and dream up our intentions for this season and the year! Together we can lean into connection and community.

  • Have a request? Email us at info@yogamechanics.com

More about Connie

Connie Viglietti uses her creativity and power of presence to hold sacred space from which transformation and growth inspire all who work with her. Connie is an intuitive healer (Reiki Master + Thai Yoga) and sacred container creatrix with an extensive background in yoga and meditation, birth work, and wellness coaching. Her previous work with Emaya (co-founder) and the Back to HER™ online program creatively mentored hundreds of women worldwide, connecting them with their purpose and voice through community, yoga, meditation, and coaching. Guiding people to their inner wisdom and watching them rise thrills her journey.

Connie holds monthly women's circles and workshops in Montclair. She offers private intuitive healing sessions (reiki and Thai yoga massage) and wellness coaching sessions. Learn more at www.connieviglietti.com

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Or reach out if you have any questions: info@yogamechanics.com

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